
Green Dimension - The Concept

The dimension that will bring harmony to your life

As per popular belief, there are 4 dimensions to life, the mind, the body, the external realm and the internal spirit. We believe that there is an additional dimension the Green Dimension which affects all the others and brings harmony to all the other dimensions.

Green Dimension is an Environmental organization committed to working for the future of planet earth.
We believe in Protecting and enhancing the environment for future generations.
We leverage innovative technology to help protect the environment and sustain its natural resources.

Our Services

Comprehensive Waste Management

Green Dimension offers waste management services in a safe and Eco-friendly manner, working closely with the government of Saudi Arabia and trusted suppliers to deliver cost-effective solutions for customers.

We provide end to end solutions for all types of waste management and processing for diverse industries

Looking to ensure your waste is disposed off safely, ethically and managed sustainably? Green Dimension can deliver this and more.

Resolve to protect the Environment through

Environmental Solutions


Achieving complete combustion in any type of incinerator requires a precise combination of conditions which consist of the right temperatures, the appropriate gas flow, the gas retention time, and the correct fuel sources. This is dependent on the type of medical waste being incinerated.

We have several integrated plants with steam sterilization, shredders, incinerators and autoclaves that care of the generated waste safely. Our Mobile Medical Waste Treatment Units are first of its kind in Saudi Arabia which can be tranported by a standard truck and operate within hospital premises. We have the capacity to serve emergency medical waste services during emergency situations like pandemics, epidemics and natural disasters. Our Mobile units are self sufficient and require bare necessities to operate at full capacity.

Check Out Our Solutions

Green Dimension Provides Ecological Efficient and Economical water treatment solutions for industries.

Our Technologies include waste water treatment, boilers, closed Systems, organic, incorganic as well as mechanical treatment.

Check Out Our Solutions

Our Equipments include microwave which is faster and more convinient. Microwave Thermal effects change the bacterial protien and render unable to surviveas per the industry standards.

Our solution offers significant improvements in production speeds, process consistency, operating lifetimes, and reduced heat onto the substrate as per the requirements to ensure your compliance with Municipality and other regulatory bodies in Saudi Arabia.

Check Out Our Solutions

We are a firm focused on delivering an array of commercial and industrial consultations

Excellence in Environmental Consultations

Green Dimension strives to provide excellent and scientific and professional information and advise in relation to the environment, compliance, and regulatory bodies.

Why Green Dimension

Why Green Dimension?

Our Products

GD Medical Waste Consumables

GD Med Supply is a digital shop for Hospitals, Medical centers, Poly Clinics, Clinics as well as Dental and medical service providers.

They can now order Everyday medical consumables at the click of a button.
Quality consumables and quick service
The Medical services providers can also opt for a regular delivery as per their needs and get timely deliveries which allows for a peace of mind

Help protect the environment and sustain its resources by going digital and placing optimal orders

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Client Testimonials

What our Clients Say

What can we say, the experience was just amazing! They use technology all the way. What really impressed me was that the fact that they really cared, it shone through in their work and helped convince that we went to the right people. Automated processes for Waste management and digital systems are hard to find.

Ahmed Alzahrani Vice President

The Green Dimension Team is amazing and really hands on when it comes to supporting the customer. We always felt we were in expert hands!

Bader Al Enaizi Senior Vice President

The Green Dimension Team is amazing and really hands on when it comes to supporting the customer. We always felt we were in expert hands!

Bader Al Enaizi Senior Vice President

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